Why did you make Mobile LotW?
Soon after I earned my General license in 2021 I became frustrated by how difficult it is to use the ARRL's Logbook of the World website on mobile phones. After waiting a few years for the ARRL to fix the problem, I decided to fix it for myself. Then, as I got into the project, I figured why not share my fix with others? The result is Mobile LotW.
How does Mobile LotW work?
Mobile LotW downloads your QSOs from LotW and reformats them to look nice on your phone. For more information about how we handle your data, see the Privacy Policy.
Who is Mobile LotW?
Mobile LotW was orignally made by David Wiley, WV8O, and is now maintained by David and Josh Maddy. Isn't open source wonderful?
How do I get involved in Mobile LotW?
Mobile LotW is open source software, built with Python and Flask, which means you can contribute to its development! Check out the Mobile LotW repo on GitHub. If you have an idea for a new feature or a problem that needs solved, you can submit an issue on Github. Better yet, you can code up the improvement or new feature yourself and submit a pull request!
I love Mobile LotW! How can I support it?
You can support Mobile LotW by contributing code via GitHub or by sending a donation via PayPal.